Saturday, April 30, 2022

Everyone has a Story

 Everyone's got a story to tell

Wisdom can change a life's trajectory

Beauty rests in every being 

Slumbering, then blossoming 

I see the look within your eyes

A spark of recognition

And realize we will rise, in time

Through our human condition 

Everyone's got a story to tell

An offering of all we've seen

A testimony reaching far 

All we've been and what we dream

A piece of someone's puzzle,

Or long lasting influence 

An arm outstretched within a dance,

Of miraculous movement 

Everyone's got a story to tell

Victorious fights, and private hells

Living light or losing ground 

Within all these, a soul is found 

Minority, majority

A stranger still, or part of me

Inevitably, a key you hold

I'll catch you further down the road

Beyond the gate and through the door

Unlocked by every story told

For long ago, it was said to me

That Everyone has a story

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Ode to my Soul

 More than a compartment, my soul

Ancient, fierce, and freeing

Aloof to the world, alive in reflection

My soul, an instrument of praise

A memoir read faintly In a quiet schoolhall

A booming orchestra, shattering it's walls

A silent observer, my soul.

Restless in winter, and in summer,

Inflamed with passion and adventure.

Tranquil as the cool breeze of spring

Violent as a sweeping tempest

The candle flame illuminating the mantle

Producing warmth, heat, and hope

The starlight of the desert, both vast and unknown

The dire straights of a sinister path

Navigated and seen through

By whose wonder? By whose intelligence?

Anyone's but my own

My soul, 

Faint as an echo of longing

Crimson as the blood that spills

What has been sought after and searched 

Thought to be lost, and found once more

Merciful, steady, and knowing

Overflowing and full

In you I find rest and solace 

My soul, in you I am home