Monday, January 27, 2020

A Friend

Some people roll out, while others ride south
A few even drive north, work to figure it out
But me I stay here, for some use, safe and tucked.
A wish in a well, an autonomous luck

I miss you, I write you, I whisper my lines true
In all this commotion I still cannot find you
You left and it hurts, by a notorious end
You won't be reimbursed, not by any a friend

Your braver than I, I just sit here and sulk
Sending you light so you might see on your walk
The times we spent writing, the intimate thoughts
I finally feel able, to chalk up a loss

Yet in other aspects, I know you live on
Through memory, spirit, and notes in a song
I'm sorry I couldn't weather half of your storm
Or be there in person to uplift your arms

You always had vision, intensity, charm
An ailments an ailment, and cause for alarm
I'll pray for you so that you may move something hefty
A mountain, a missle, just never forget me.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


People drink and do drugs cause the pain is inflammed
Use both pipes and the needles, insane in the brain
Bottled up feelings? The bottles a friend
Until you lose the last drip of ink in your pen

The sober onlookers, dont know what to do
They also are angry, empty, and misused
The blind can lead blind? Why that is not true
I've seen bigger scars, I've beared broader wounds

It's not about me, it all comes back to you
Walking the gultch with a stone in your shoe
Grimacing ugly with so much to prove
Fading to black under ivory moons

Why are we frightened? Why so afraid?
Life is disheartening, a dirty charade
Our hope leaves us lost, it's fragrence is ash
We long to get even, we love to get mad

Darkness alluring, alone in its wake
A drug is a friend to withstand what we take
This burden of life, this ultimate fate
This cold lonely prison, the warm cozy fade

A moment its priceless, but misery returns
Like hunger to stomachs, like dirt unto worms
We shrivel and scavange, abuse and intake
We destroy our outlets, and wills to create

After all this addiction, the proper response
To go on a journey for memories lost
To forego the fancy of highs, lows and drug
And make our return to a person we love

A person whose worthy. A people thats real.
A tribe in the desert that shares forth a meal.
To mellow and waste, is a ploy we must shrug
And venture unceasingly towards the beyond

Spill the Soul

Sorrow will come, Celebration will ensue
Sadness will cripple, Joy will enthuse
He who watches these phenomena
Realizes.. hey.. this is just a movie
Apply yourself and make it groovy

Theres nothing that constricts
As much as a bad attitude
Chase your dreams, make good of them
There is truly no time like the present
Be light.. be fierce.. be mercirful

Use all you can and fufill your potential
Life swirls around you, butterflies too
Catch... and release!!

Its all in your mind
A divine light reaches into the halls of perception
Infinite potentials, possibilities
Scavange what you may
Be real, reap what you sew
Learn, forage, explore
In strength, substance, and beauty

This is our training ground
Our chance to make something of today
Our chances expires, but if we are able
Ready to do, we may explore them first

Dont hold back.. GO!!!!
Rip through the walls of facade
And spill your soul.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Id be lying if I said I wasnt dissapointed in the lack of peace in the world. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't dissapointed in my fellow members of humanity. More over all these I am dissapointed in myself. My lack of deciciveness, progress, and drive to finish a task. My lack of will to apply myself creatively. And my lack of finding an outlet to share my work.

Im tired and I want to give up, I want to quit, sometimes dissapear. Yet I have to keep focused on my goals dreams and visions. Thats all thats important. Thats all that I see.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Gift

This gift.. is a curse.
This lifting veil, my demise
Vast, radiant, open, forever
Step into the blue beyond
Like waves of blissful sunset
Blending nastalgia with the heat

Before embarking
I must plow the fields
Reap the fruit, and scatter
The plentiful harvest
All along the laden lands
Upon both servant and treasurer

This all cosuming night
Has become an all cosuming flame
Illuminating every fiber of an emptied heart
Scattering wishes to an evening breeze
Embracing all that is, while...
Recollecting what has yet to be

This gift is my curse
In a triple spiral universe
I stand in the central passage
Delivering what was mine all along

Where should I go?

Where shall I go to reach enlightenment?

Well.. none other than the place I originated from.

Nobody Knows Me

Nobody knows my struggle
My walk, my path
Where these seeds stand out
The paver that sits by the way

Poking out of the grasses
Like blue from eternal elements
Lying low, prideful eyes miss them
To thier detriment

Knock and it shall be
Walk and reveal the way
The bouties of heaven lie within
And even without

On this passing plane
Skim the surface, carress the depths
Jump the wagon and find your core
Find me here, at rest
In a honeycomb hideout
Far from the worker bees

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Journal 1/9/2020

Kind of funny how the soul grows and becomes unstoppable. This sensitivity has merit and can be taken as weakness to some less aware. I looked in my eyes and thought, can I put an end to this? Often when I am sensitive I wish it wasn't so, and in the least dont want to grow in acuteness.

Anyways, today some parts of myself ate coming into focus, the fact I enjoy being silly, kind of dorky, and can have an odd sense of humor. I love that about myself. I want others to know me but it just seems so rare where someone wants to commit time to really dig deep. Thats okay, I hope whoever's reading this relates and knows that I care. Life is hard fosho. I asked people to pray for me and I think that has an effect, in the very least it helps me to see that I am important and cared for.

Theres a quote from Alice in Wonderland I believe and it states "Your a very real thing in a fake world, and that, i believe, is why you are suffering so much." You see

Ive always had sensitivity and an inclination towards the spritual. I just imagined more adventure, but these days I'm not sure if its to be found. The world is growing desensitized to the subtle things in life. and seemingly further from nature and emotional integrity. The whole world seems to be burning, quaking, or enduring radiation. We are very skilled at being destructive and ignorant.

I'm not sure whats next for me. I want to power down this fiercely prevalent sensitivity. Its raining on my parade and I just want to feel balanced. Wish me luck. Seems life can become one thing after another. Thanks for reading, listening, admiring. I am with you.


Sunday, January 5, 2020

Walking With Shadows

Time I invest, make a contribution
All bow thier heads.. negating the confusion
Life becomes illusion, seeing through facades
Blockades and banquets, bounties full of graces

Money getting paid, check by check gather the riches
Belittled by interest, but I guess that aint my buisness
I guess neither is listening, honesty, or even kidding
Next time you ask this poet Ill be off and gone fishing

Feeling out the many moons around Neptunes sorry spiral
Conversing with the planets, evaluating Earths denial
Articulate, accurate, assinine, elaborate
Mustering the focus like an executed magic trick

Shell games cup names, live, long, and prosper
Pour frigid fire into a broken Bic lighter
Pump on the button let it breath out a flame
And before the light gets snuffed just remember
I came