Monday, January 25, 2021

Top to Bottom

Mastery is found untying patterns of reaction, not perfecting thier expression; a much broader implication.

If each would teach another via pen progression, then the whole world would learn of laughter and of lesson.

Between a hundred life times, seeded within like minds, human kind, a flame blowing brazen in the desert.

A path made in the wilderness, cut across the lay line, deja vu decends and it helps me to remember. 

Instilled in all the galaxies that spawn and still exist 

There yet remains a single grain divorced from conciousness 

Within our mighty nature most intrinsically designed 

Lies the universal will that ruptures space and time

The answers we may never know, just temporarily have to hold. 

Thats why I speak, and wake from sleep, span centuries within my soul. 

The 1st chapter lept off the page creating sound and visual 

The audio resounding ground, found rest atop the pinnacle.

Thursday, January 14, 2021



How can the profound bear so little significance?

When its embedded in me like a natural fingerprint

How can a harsh word gain so much momentum?

For the sake of my father, and those who accept him

It sinks into my heart like a traveler in quicksand

Truths never been popular, a prophet in his homeland 

Big tech, government, pharma, and treason

Kickbacks, anthrax, a scrupulous season

I'm gone from the urge to be on Earth, so I'm leaving

I'm calm in the fact i'll be imbursed for my reasons

We all fall short like leaving sugar out the recipe, 

Yet this time the report really did get the best of me

Its the police arresting me, strangers detesting me

All the confessions, transgressions, and enemies

What did I do to create that which is stessing me?

Dabbling in death so in silence i'll rest in peace


No suprise, close my eyes, and once more they open

To a world thats deterred, and a system thats frozen 

Im playing scrabble with letters, d-t-s-n-y-e

Involving the "I" and arranging my destiny

Talking steps down a path, damned if I know where it leads 

Know better then to ask, I just carry my weary feet

Its blessings above, and peace to all those underneath

A heaven, an Earth, and a sequence thats tuned unique

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

1,000 lightyears

 Who am I?

I dont know why I am so inquisitive 

Perhaps it entails all the love that I have to give 

I dont know why I am so spontaneous 

In fact, my behavior may already look strange enough 

I dont know why I try beyond my means

Why many are mean, or what life really means


I dont know who I am, I just sense where I came from

And all the waves that I rode, and learned to be brave from

Between each desire is a memory hanged up

Like khakis cleaned pressed, let me rest, I'm so drained now

From all this confusion, i'd better keep moving, and distance myself from this point thats been proven

I'll just keep on rolling, concealing, consoling 

I am nothing at all, just an open pot boiling

Whose smoke dissipates, finding ways to the ozone

Just as every wave merges back into the ocean

If i fade tomorrow, just know I was chosen

And these are the thoughts I could not bear to hold in...