Friday, March 26, 2021

Here I Am

Falling into silent surrender, like fresh air reaching the lungs. 

Lying down looking at the stars, I am steadily refracted inside thier image.

I paused, fell, became flustered.

I drank, ran, gained upticks.

Still not understanding where the pieces fit.

Here I am, once again, knowing in my heart of hearts an internal compass sits.

Sifting like the sands from beaches noone has, or will, ever tread.

Dining at the table of princes, paupers, and prestigious folk.

It was here I ate until my hearts content 

I spoke in tongues that were once mute

Fufillment graced my known space, paving over the cracks of discord for awhile.

Here I am, yet again.

Holding onto nothing, but being held and embraced.

Here I am, knowing so little, but having knowledge of your grace.

The sky above, the Earth below, and the ethers beyond.

Here I am, alive once more.