Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lonesome Roads

Lonesome road abridged by empty
Leaving trails both hungry heavy
Living on a single sentence
Eyes blink back relapsing heaven

... Stretching further, proper penance
Diving into un-tossed leaven
Feelings prosper, leave in seconds
Here I stand a lonesome peasant

Work with none to furnish fancy
Clenched fists with none too happy
All the signs negate the proof
Mirrors stare dead into you

Smiles are for the ripe and free
Roads are for the young and smooth
Lips are for the kissing booth
Deeds are for the well to do

Unclasped the cap from foreign pen
It's speaks it nerves in stuttered ink
I move and dive and write and think
These weighted lives of hefty things

Flourished cheeks on lonesome roads
Single Shrubs shelter the earth
The ray of sun beats down on minds
That see the substance hard to find

We walk and pace these dusty trails
Awake, At rest, and Half way home
The distant calls of faded past
Brings back a longing to our bones

Friday, September 16, 2011

Insane Boundary

I merged deep into the corridors of my own mind and body, so much that the connecting line of I fell away and left two arms stretching in opposite ways, relinquishing themselves slowly amongst waves. Infinity beckoned me into this incredible sense of open. What was left of my head popped into remaining view and beckoned further astray.

Where has it lead, this wandering hermit, that trails the borders turned boundaries, crossing each one. Where has the path best traveled with partners and left alone lead? What can I say with these words that merely fill crevices of curiosity, but believed by my wish alone to lead lone hearts where I stand.

My love, so deep and true, so fiery and consuming, so intrinsic to it's own sharing, so screaming ecstatic, but perfect in it's fair gentleness. Explodes throughout my cells turning them clockwise into star filled galaxies. My eyes like the thinnest tipped pencil trace the strands of milky way.

This loves intrinsic urge is to splurge forth, to share, the thought of separation juts into my body and stirs a great pain. Let all creatures know this feeling, this intense shine ringing high over the spheres of thought, merging deep below valleys of emotion. Here I am, Here I am, Here I am.

Here is my value, to explode each creature unto meaning, to leave each wave running the traceless girth of creation. To stumble and fall, poke and prod, create and destroy, only to open to further potentials of my tender streams.

Full forth I drink the blissful venoms
For in the wreathing effects
I find that which all have always sought to come to
I take the pain inch by inch, it's unbearable feel
I summon the storm with battled wounds and cries
Whose ravenging winds take me in
Finally to break, the center of the violent tempest
Reveals the foundation of my rest

Like a stone I cast myself into the dark
Sinking deep through arising pressure
The crushing oceans above
The blackened abyss below
This homeless stone goes on sinking
Arising from the bottom of this cosmic glass
Is a great light, shying away consuming dark
Where does it source? I am far from land
Beneath sites of eyes, beaches, sands that shift
As if by lack of mercy, my images of are torned
And memory is shredded from my skull
Oceans of light, boundless gifts, no mind can know
No label can name, No style can substitute
Utterly Absent in Sinking
Arises the Ineffably Full

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vision of Angels

Two worlds converge through the format of space
This sacred dance is seen by the angels
Seated in wondrous absolution
Seeing the creator as sustainor
Sweet spirits billions miles backwards
Know this benediction by and through rupturing currents

A holy daydream
Asking, what casts truth unto waves, this love proclaimed
Let us all sheer our pencils to lead, fearlessly usher our procession ahead
And know this is all ever existing.
I answer it's undying urge and say back to you
All in good time, good time within itself.

Seeker becoming Sought

Pure snowflakes melt in the sun
Pomegranates burst by half heavy labor
Butter melts atop burnt bread, soaking each crevice
Tongues meet the sauteed synergies of flavor
Carrots to cook bask in a still pot
Loneliness elevates by a kind gentle touch
Depravity washes south in an intimate caress
Developing souls sore to the peak of ones before
the butter and bread create flavor, carrots tossed to the side of a dish
The snowflakes cool trickle soothes parched lands
Hunger meets the absorption of a meal
Clasps & cringes dissolve through kindness
The pen soaks calligraphy into page once empty of creativity
Signing a statement of nonesuch
Seeing the seeker become sought

Monday, September 12, 2011

Journal 09-12-11

Flux fingers. Everthing is in such a turmoil of change for me. Sometimes in night the realization is os intense and both feet bask in the sun. Now I don't know, waking up I'm staring at the face of pieces broken. Within is something so mighty it sews the planet to space. I can't comprehend even a fraction of it. I just understand that each day more and more I see myself in things, there is this incredible vibration that trumps matter making it look shaky and distant.

What worries me often is the large gap in the concsiousness of myself and other people. For me if peace is to be it will be instantaneous, arising out of my own totallity, my own consciousness. For others it seems a sequence or series of events is needed, a sense of accomplishment. These are fragments, however that which is real slips my own comprehension. It can only be gaulked at and half explained, really it is much more than words can describe. Many great teachers understand and speak to inact the conscience of the listener, and guide him through a series of feelings and mental process in order to come to a clear gap, a steep cliff, in which to finally jump out into the unknown.

But this realization today has me feeling average, this waking up day in and out has me untied from ambition. I feel normal, I feel unamused, I feel without motive. What significance do my actions have? What have they ever had? What is important? Why am I here?
Do these questions find completion in every day living or I'm a segmented in action and completion?

Experimentation seems to be an option to go by, go out and live in these ways, joint these unattached portions with seeing/labeling/perception. Grow from these questions in the right way. I can feel so stuck in the mud with past knowledge caked to my grin. I can waver for an hour and a half without so much a consequence , it's time to spring into buisness. It's time to live no matter how unbearable it may be. Ask who you concern when you act, is it born from self love, or is it born from arrogance, vanity?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

In the Woods

Ever quiet as a softly beating drum
The hearts thump magnified by ear
Mosquitoes drawing red nectar
On a concurrent stream
Scattered leaves laid waste
Flowers bride the sloped sides
Stretching 'cross as slender bridge
Partnered with peace & patience
A look leads to heavy delight

Approaching my peripheries
An animal large, swift, and hungry
Nibbling leaves, lightly snacking
In curiosity drawing closer
Elongated ears seek answers
Who is this guest in my woods?
I smile slowly not to scare
How amazing this is!

I love it here
Feeling natures responses
Wholly joyful in new findings
Alas to emerge from retreat
Slinging my bag across shoulders
This leaving is richer than coming
Footprints stamp the lone earth
Marking a pathway back home

Friday, September 2, 2011

The story of all unfolding from an empty will

Asleep at the wheel
I drifted through worlds as many as thread
I awoke to see how beautiful my creation was
There is no god, no character, all along only me
What happened? Time arose
Worlds were stepping stones recalled in it's memory
Faded now in the distance