Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Honour the One Who Perfects the Self

Through Dramatic & Traumatic experience you see the deep significance of your relationship with self. You learn care and self respect not from a book or an enforcement of behavior on your life, rather as a natural uprising and intrinsic part of oneself. And it drives one, an unceasing knowledge to know and penetrate into ones self and sit at the throne of ones self exaltation!

The freedom and lack of resistance, in non-desire you have nothing to do but relax. You have success, you have beaten the phantom self! You have reclaimed your power of wholeness & wholesomeness. The old roots have been ripped and you are remain the open spaces in soft soil for those waters of rejuvenation to pour into. Allowing the deepest seeds of your potential to sprout, take new roots and flourish in the grounds of selfless service and goodness.

You are an honor to your fellows and an archetype for there aims. You have exampled the finest, non- threatening and pristine. Creative and compassionate. Ingenious and original. Through the torrents of despair you have claimed the sweet treat of the sustainable self. Peace be with you as the wind guides your back to a beautiful befriending with the hand that feeds you your nature.

You have carried the torch through the jagged mountain paths and set the summits tinder ablaze. Such a note worthy flame, such a heroic aim. The angels applaud while the earth and it's inhabitants swell with pride in their spirit. You have come & came back to the center of your own innate perfection. Blessed Be. You are Free.

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