Ahh the peace that comes with patient relation with nature is impeccable. To sit by the tree and acknowledge its bark, the bugs on the ground, or in the cold winter, the frozen wellspring beneath the earths icy shell. These small things bring you so much peace, peace used to end the minds chatter and to be spent in resonation with Earth.
The Earth is alive and sensitive, very intelligent. It embraces us tenderly when we will to spend our time with it. Our bodies know earth from the physical, our organs are fed through what Earth produces. When our mind quiets.. feels.. it is enhanced by the earths sensitivity. Our heart delights in the color and splendor of a landscape, and our spirit is seen in it's vastness.
Have you starred at a flower, thoughtless? A purple skyline or an orange autumn tree?
To just watch and be aware of nature allows our blocks and cramps and stresses to dent, crack, and slip slide away.....
Feeling Stressed, worried, or anxious? Having a bad day or trouble in a relationship? Take a walk or run, breath deeply, and acknowledge your surroundings. This will bring so much peace to your mind. You'll find it hard to believe how accessible the dimension of peace becomes while dwelling in nature. A true miracle.

By the way. Minnesota in Autumn is sooo beautiful, right now the transition is being made.

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